General information about visiting New Zealand

Travelling to and around Aotearoa New Zealand is easy. Use the following travel information to help prepare for your journey to our beautiful country or download our fact sheet about visiting New Zealand.


Travelling to New Zealand is easy. Flights are available from many international destinations. New Zealand is only a 9-12 hour overnight flight from most countries on the Pacific Rim.

Learn more about getting to New Zealand


Whether you are looking for places to stay, things to do or ways to get around, Qualmark – New Zealand tourism’s official quality assurance organisation – provides a trusted guide to quality travel experiences. When you see the Qualmark, it means that those businesses have been independently assessed against a set of national quality standards.

Find out more about Qualmark here

Passports, visas & electronic travel authority (ETA)

When you arrive, your passport must be valid for at least three months beyond your intended departure date, and if required, have a valid New Zealand visa.

New Zealand is visa free from 60 countries and territories. Visitors from visa-waiver countries must request an Electronic Travel Authority (ETA) prior to coming to New Zealand. You may also have to pay an International Visitor Conservation and Tourism Levy (IVL). For more information on the ETA and IVL, visit Immigration New Zealand.


In order to protect New Zealand and its environment, certain items are not allowed to be brought into the country, have restrictions for entry, or must be declared if they are deemed to present a biosecurity risk. These include food, plants, animal products and outdoor recreational equipment. You may risk a fine if you fail to comply. For more information on what items to declare visit the Ministry for Primary Industries.


The weather varies throughout New Zealand by region and by season. The far north of New Zealand is subtropical whilst the south is more temperate. The conference is held in Autumn, where you can expect warm days and cool evenings. Learn more about weather climate and seasons in New Zealand.


The currency used is the New Zealand Dollar (NZD). All major credit cards can be used in New Zealand, with Visa and MasterCard accepted most widely. All goods and services are subject to a 15% Goods and Services Tax (GST) included in the display price.

There is no ‘tipping’ or ‘gratuity’ culture in New Zealand. If you experience good service you may choose to do so, but it is not expected.

Learn about average price for accommodation, food, and services.

i-SITE New Zealand

i-SITE is New Zealand’s official visitor information network with almost 70 i-SITE locations found throughout New Zealand. Speak to a travel expert at your nearest i-SITE for local knowledge and bookings throughout New Zealand.

Internet & phone coverage

Staying connected in New Zealand is easy with a little forward planning. Learn more about New Zealand’s main mobile networks and free WiFi hotspots.


New Zealand’s electricity supply runs at 230/240 volts and uses angled two or three pin plugs (Type I, the same as Australia and parts of Asia).

Power Plug Socket Type I

Time zone

New Zealand is one of the first places in the world to see the new day, 12 hours ahead of GMT (Greenwich Mean Time).


No vaccinations are required to visit New Zealand.

Can’t find what you’re looking for? Head to for detailed information about travelling to and around New Zealand.